Life is Strife: Addendum

Rudolph Valentino inhales. Squirreley Mae looks the other way.
Rudolph Valentino inhales. Squirreley Mae looks the other way.

My mission these days is to divest myself of worldly possessions and sell all these antiques. But even though I’m paring down, the domestic eye still needs to look at something at the end of the day. And it might as well be something new. So I’m maximizing in the name of minimizing.

I drove up to my friend Dan’s exquisite boutique in 29 Palms on Sunday, Ranch and Camp. I’d seen the zombie movie stars series when I visited a couple of months ago and have been haunted by the Rudolph Valentino ever since. Sadly, it was not there on Sunday but Dan called the artist who drove in and hand delivered it to me. It now hangs proudly with my bathroom collection featured in the last post.

David C. Greene is the artist and we had a nice little chat about his portraits. He said he saw them as a reminder that beautiful imagery will always outlive mortality. I took a contrary view and said that it reminded me that all images eventually ring false. That stunning man is now just another dead motherfucker. Ah, when the great minds gather in the Acropolis….

David C. Greene with a real life zombie.
David C. Greene with a real life zombie.

I did not stop with just one piece, I also purchased a painted textile entitled Industry of Illusion by Linda Sibio. It will be featured in a future post.

To thank me for my patronage, Dan complimented me a naughty light switch plate.

All-American Turn On
All-American Turn On


The Last Temptation of Me